Doctor Helping Protesters Dies After Police Open Fire

26, Jun 2024 / 2 min read/ By Livenow Africa

Margaret Oyuga, a dedicated doctor who was volunteering to provide medical services to protesters on Tuesday, has tragically succumbed to gunshot injuries.

According to reports, Dr. Oyuga was shot by police officers during the anti-finance bill protests and sadly lost her life. Despite efforts to rush her to the hospital, her ambulance was delayed by roadblocks and traffic disruptions.

In the wake of her tragic death, Dr. Oyuga has been mourned by her colleagues for her bravery and professionalism. "Rest in peace, Dr. Margaret Oyuga. You went to war to save the lives of injured soldiers but you didn't come back. We are saddened. Kenyans, pray for doctors who are being killed while trying to save the people. Stand with us," a fellow medic wrote.

Kenyans have also expressed their condolences to her family and urged the government to hold the police accountable for the unlawful shooting of innocent citizens. Many have criticized the police for firing at peaceful protesters instead of ensuring their safety.

Dr. Oyuga was among several casualties reported as police officers fired live bullets when the anti-finance bill protests turned chaotic. The shooting began when protesters breached security at the National Assembly, leading to significant losses and damages.

At least five Kenyans were confirmed dead from gunshot wounds, and multiple others sustained major injuries and are receiving treatment at Kenyatta National Hospital.

The unexpected violence and loss of lives have been condemned both locally and internationally. Leaders, including former President Uhuru Kenyatta, have sent their condolences to those affected by the demonstrations. "As your former president, I have felt the weight and the difficulty of leading Kenya. I, therefore, pray for wisdom and civility to be established and for peace and progress to belong to all of us as children of Kenya," he stated.
