Oparanya: I Have Two Wives and a Girlfriend, They Are Friends

25, Jun 2024 / 2 min read/ By Livenow Africa

Former Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya recently opened up about his unique family dynamics, revealing that he has two wives and a girlfriend. Speaking during an interview on the Art of Living show, Oparanya shared that his wives are accepting of his girlfriend and that the three women are on good terms.

"We have no problem. I have no problem, and my wife doesn't have a problem. Even when my girlfriend comes here, my wife has no problem," he said. "They are friends, and sometimes my girlfriend comes here to say hi to my wife. My wife can't complain because I take good care of her every day."

Oparanya attributed his honesty and confidence to his upbringing, particularly the advice given to him by his mother. "My mother told me to be sincere. I was born alone, and my mother always told me to have more children to compensate for the siblings I lost. That’s why I’ve become sincere, and people know that when I say something, it happens."

Reflecting on his tenure as Governor, Oparanya expressed pride in the infrastructure projects he initiated in Kakamega County. "You can ask anybody around what I did. All these roads, I put them using county funds. Very few counties tarmacked roads for 240 kilometers in 10 years," he said. "I also started building a Level 6 Hospital and Bukhungu Stadium to attract international events. These projects significantly boosted the local economy."

Oparanya also shared his views on life after politics, emphasizing the importance of companionship. "After politics, you need someone to keep you busy and entertained. My wife is here, but she cannot accompany me everywhere. Sometimes you just need to relax with a beautiful lady around you. That's why I chose her," he concluded.
