Charlene Ruto Applauds Gen Z for Protesting Finance Bill

25, Jun 2024 / 2 min read/ By Livenow Africa

First Daughter Charlene Ruto on Tuesday commended young Kenyans who participated in the demonstrations against the Finance Bill 2024. She expressed her admiration for the Gen Z generation's engagement in current affairs.

“As a youth champion, I am aware of the cries of the Gen Z, and I appreciate that the young generation cares about current affairs. This is a game-changer. Let us do it consistently, in an informed manner, with respect and honor. That is how we will be heard,” she stated.

Charlene emphasized her confidence in President William Ruto's intentions for the nation, noting her unique position as both a youth advocate and the President's daughter.

"I stand at a very unique position regarding the issues facing my country Kenya as we speak," she stated. "Seeing his work and passion behind the scenes, I believe he truthfully holds the best interests of Kenyans at heart."

While not explicitly supporting or rejecting the Finance Bill, Charlene encouraged young Kenyans to stand up for their rights and voice their concerns.

Her supportive stance towards the demonstrators contrasted sharply with the government's response to the protests. The National Police Service has been accused by the opposition and the Law Society of Kenya of abducting young Kenyans who opposed the Bill through social media posts.

This situation prompted National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula to demand that Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome provide information on the whereabouts of all arrested individuals connected to the Finance Bill demonstrations. Additionally, police officers have faced allegations of harassing and teargassing peaceful demonstrators in Nairobi and other parts of the country.
