Drama in Parliament as Kisumu East MP Displays “Reject Finance Bill” Placard

25, Jun 2024 / 1 min read/ By Livenow Africa

There was a light moment in Parliament Tuesday morning when Kisumu East MP Shakeel Shabir staged a dramatic protest against the Finance Bill 2024.

Shabir displayed a placard with the message “Reject Finance Bill” during the parliamentary session. The bill is currently under committee review after passing the second reading stage last Thursday, where 204 MPs voted in favor and 115 opposed.

The drama unfolded as members debated Clause 32. Shabir, who had been seated, suddenly rose and brandished the placard, eliciting cheers from opposition members. His protest was short-lived as parliamentary orderlies quickly intervened, attempting to seize the placard. Shabir evaded their efforts and exited the chamber while still holding the placard.

The session, chaired by Deputy Speaker Gladys Boss, involved detailed discussions on the bill's clauses. Finance Committee Chairperson Kuria Kimani moved the motion, introducing amendments to key areas agreed upon by Kenya Kwanza MPs. The dropped tax proposals include:

  • 16% VAT on bread
  • Excise duty on vegetable oil
  • VAT on sugar transportation
  • 2.5% motor vehicle tax
  • Eco Levy on locally manufactured products

Other members had the opportunity to scrutinize and amend the bill's clauses during the session. The committee format allows for a thorough examination of each clause before the bill progresses to subsequent legislative stages.

The bill will eventually be subjected to a final vote.
