Debunked: KTN Staff Infected with Kaswende/Syphilis?

28, Mar 2024 / 2 min read/ By Livenow Africa

In recent days, a flurry of fake news has circulated across various social media platforms, targeting the integrity of Kenya Television Network (KTN) and its staff. The misinformation alleges that KTN employees have been sent home due to being infected with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as syphilis or Kaswende. However, upon thorough investigation, it has been revealed that these claims are entirely false and fabricated with malicious intent.

The fake news agents utilized the digital poster branding of reputable newspapers such as The Star and Taifa Leo, aiming to lend credibility to their baseless allegations. The fabricated messages insinuated that senior anchors at KTN were under quarantine after allegedly spreading STDs within the newsroom. Additionally, there were claims of moral degeneration and raunchy parties among staff members, further tarnishing the reputation of the network.

One of the fake posters bore the branding of The Star's "Corridors of Power" segment, while another was disguised under the masthead of Taifa Leo, a publication under the Nation Media Group. However, both The Star and Taifa Leo promptly denounced the false information, clarifying that the circulated content was unauthorized and fraudulent.

Furthermore,, another prominent media outlet, discredited similar fake news shared on its social media platforms, reaffirming that no such event occurred at KTN. Additionally, the Standard Group, through its Acting Group CEO Joe Munene, released a statement addressing fake memos circulating online, reaffirming the company's commitment to journalistic integrity and dispelling the fabricated claims.

The proliferation of fake news, misinformation, and disinformation poses a significant threat in today's digital age. These malicious tactics not only damage the reputations of individuals and organizations but also erode public trust in the media and sow discord within society. The impact of such false narratives can be far-reaching, leading to unwarranted panic, division, and harm to innocent individuals' lives and careers.

It is imperative for the public to remain vigilant and discerning when consuming information online. Verifying the authenticity of sources, cross-referencing information, and consulting reputable news outlets are crucial steps in combating the spread of fake news. By collectively rejecting misinformation and upholding the principles of truth and accuracy, we can safeguard the integrity of our media landscape and preserve the public's trust in reliable journalism.
