Bishop Kiengei Apologizes After Criticizing Influencer Pritty Vishy’s Appearance

03, Sep 2024 / 2 min read/ By Livenow Africa

Bishop Kiengei has issued a public apology after facing backlash for criticizing influencer Pritty Vishy’s appearance during a recent show. The bishop acknowledged his mistake and promised not to repeat such actions in the future.

In his apology, Kiengei stated, "Pritty Vishy, I am really sorry, and I take this moment to highly apologize for mentioning your name in a show where I went overboard and addressed you in the wrong way. Please find it in your heart to forgive me. This will never happen again. I take full responsibility for my mistake. Pole my sister, and you are always welcome at JCM Church, a church for everyone."

Pritty Vishy responded to Kiengei’s apology through her social media, expressing her disappointment and challenging him to repeat his remarks in person at his church. She accused him of being a hypocrite who hides behind the title of a man of God while disrespecting others.

In her response, Pritty questioned Kiengei’s integrity, asking, "Pastor @bishopbenjcmchurch, do you know the verse that says we are all created in the likeness and image of God? Do you have a wife? Daughter? Mother? Do you know the meaning of respect? How do you feel now that you have embarrassed me publicly?"

Pritty Vishy went on to express how hurtful the public humiliation was, stating that despite Kiengei's apology, she would never forget the hurtful words he used to describe her. She even suggested meeting at his church, where he could repeat his words in front of his congregation.

The incident has sparked a wider conversation on social media about respect and the responsibilities of public figures, especially those in religious leadership roles.
