Ruto Makes Drastic Exemption After Uproar Over Sugar Prices

24, May 2023 / 2 min read/ By Livenow Africa

Following public outcry over high sugar prices, Deputy President William Ruto has announced a significant exemption. Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi revealed on Wednesday, May 24, that the government would import 180,000 tonnes of sugar to alleviate the burden on Kenyan consumers.

In a press statement, Linturi explained that the decision to import outside of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) was due to a severe shortage of sugar within member states, which had led to soaring prices. Despite the expectation that local millers would meet the demand, the government opted for imports to stabilize the market.

Linturi emphasized that the importation would help lower sugar prices and relieve pressure on retailers who have been struggling with limited availability. However, he expressed disappointment that the country was not self-sufficient in sugar production.

Previously, the government relied on sugar imports from COMESA member states, but the current shortage necessitated alternative sourcing. According to the Agriculture and Food Authority's report, local millers witnessed a decline in sugar production from 49,372 metric tonnes in March to 31,970 metric tonnes in April 2023.

Earlier complaints from retailers highlighted an unexpected sugar shortage in the country, resulting in a steep increase in prices. Retailers had to pass on the additional costs to consumers, despite the already high cost of living. The Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) attributed the exaggerated prices to some traders taking advantage of the shortage, leading consumers to buy sugar in bulk.

This announcement comes in the midst of ongoing efforts to crack down on the distribution of condemned sugar by traders and government officials. Recently, detectives seized over 60 bags of contaminated sugar and apprehended a shopkeeper in Nairobi accused of involvement in the illegal release of the product. Another syndicate was also apprehended in Kisii for repackaging condemned sugar from Tanzania and Uganda into local popular brands.

Deputy President Ruto's decision to import sugar aims to alleviate the pressure on consumers, provide relief to retailers, and address the shortage in the market.

