Father from hell: Shock as man defiles daughter in a Kakamega hospital bed

28, Nov 2022 / 2 min read/ By Livenow Africa

Police in Kakamega County have arrested a man suspected of defiling his 10-year-old daughter in a hospital bed.

The suspect, aged 40, is reported to have requested nurses at Navakholo Sub-County Hospital to be allowed to spend the night in the ward with the girl, who had malaria.

A woman with a sick child at the hospital alerted a nurse that she had witnessed the suspect defiling his daughter at night.

Though the girl had recovered, her father was reportedly unable to pay the hospital bill.

The suspect fled after he learnt that the matter had been reported to hospital authorities, said Navakholo Sub-County Police Commander Richard Omanga.

“After receiving the report, our officers went to the hospital to investigate the incident and found that the girl had been defiled,” Mr Omanga said.

“The man went home to look for money and came back late in the evening without the money. He then requested to be allowed to spend the night in the ward until the next morning but ended up defiling the daughter.”

The man had separated from his wife and was living with his daughter.

“We will have him arraigned after finalising the investigations,” Mr Omanga said.

Meanwhile, drama ensued in Goibei B village in Hamisi, Vihiga County, when a man allegedly took poison to evade arrest by police officers in a suspected attempt to defeat justice in a defilement case.

Police had gone to the home of the man to execute a warrant of arrest after his daughter, a victim of defilement, failed to show up in court.

The man was needed in court to explain the whereabouts of his daughter, police said in a report.

The father had locked himself in his house when police arrived and refused to open the door and surrender to the police.

After consuming poison, suspected to be the rodenticide Red Cat, police rushed him to the nearby Serem Health Centre.

He was then referred to Vihiga County Referral Hospital in Mbale as police opened investigations.

The disappearance of his daughter was seen as an attempt to cover up the crime and defeat justice.

"He was to appear in court to explain the whereabouts of his daughter but refused to open the door and threatened the officers that he was going to take poison," the police report added.

His wife then raised the alarm, saying he had taken poison.

She opened the door to allow the police into the house. Officers then rushed him to the hospital.

"The remains of the Red Cat poison [that he had allegedly taken] was kept as [an] exhibit as investigations were started," the report said. 
