Bahati and Diana Marua are one of Kenya's most popular couples, but they are not immune to the challenges that come with marriage.
In a recent interview on Diana's YouTube channel, the couple opened up about some of the things they have been struggling with.
One of the biggest challenges they have faced is Diana's tendency to fart in front of Bahati. Bahati says that he was initially put off by this, but he has since come to accept it as a part of who Diana is.
"I cannot continue making my lungs suffer," he joked. "What you used to do is spray air freshener first before proceeding to do your 'business'."
Another challenge they have faced is Diana's desire to always look good for other people, but not for Bahati. Bahati says that he would like Diana to be more comfortable being herself around him, even if that means not wearing makeup or a wig.
"If you are being smart, don't just wait for when you are going out," he said. "I also want to see the beautiful you."
The couple has also argued about their workers. Bahati says that he feels like the workers are not taking their work seriously, which has led to arguments with Diana.
"I love you, but I have noticed that we argue a lot because of these people," he said. "I have noticed that the only reason we love each other is because of these people."
Despite the challenges they have faced, Bahati and Diana are committed to making their marriage work. They say that they are willing to do whatever it takes to stay together.
"We are not perfect, but we are trying our best," said Diana. "We are learning to love each other more every day."
Bahati and Diana's story is a reminder that even the most successful couples face challenges. However, it is also a reminder that love can conquer all.