Court Shields Jimi Wanjigi from Arrest Amid Allegations of Police Harassment

09, Aug 2024 / 2 min read/ By Livenow Africa

The High Court in Nairobi has granted businessman Jimi Wanjigi temporary relief by issuing orders to prevent his arrest or detention by the police.

Justice Bahati Mwamuye, who presided over the matter, certified it as urgent and set a mention date for August 16, 2024. The court's order reads:

“Pending the inter-partes hearing and determination of the Application dated 08/08/2024, a conservatory order be and is hereby issued restraining the Respondents jointly and severally, their servants, agents, or third parties acting under the direction or authority of the Respondents from detaining, arresting, or restraining the liberty and freedom of movement of the Petitioner/Applicant, Jimi Wanjigi.”

Earlier in the day, Wanjigi had filed a lawsuit against law enforcement authorities, condemning the raid on his residence as a violation of his rights and a denial of equal treatment under the law.

The raid comes in the wake of orders by Acting Inspector General of Police Gilbert Masengeli, who had instructed Wanjigi to surrender to the police for questioning. Masengeli alleged that Wanjigi was involved in funding the Nane Nane anti-government protests, claiming that police had recovered teargas canisters and other items from Wanjigi’s Prado TX, allegedly intended for use in the demonstrations.

Wanjigi’s lawyer, Willis Otieno, accused the police of politically persecuting his client due to his dissenting views against the current government. Otieno also revealed that police had conducted three separate raids at Wanjigi’s luxurious home in the Muthaiga suburb of Nairobi. Two of the raids occurred on Thursday at 7:00 pm and midnight, while the third took place early Friday morning.

“When the police illegally entered the house, the lawyers and family members were present. We inventoried all the items, and after a long night of searching, they left. But early in the morning, the officers returned, forcing family members out of their rooms under the pretext of conducting another search,” Otieno stated.

Maina Wanjigi, Jimi Wanjigi’s son, recounted the traumatic experience, describing how police officers assaulted him, his mother, and his sister during the raids.

“They came around 7:00 pm. I was beaten by five officers. My mother and sister were asked to lie on the floor, and they were kicked in the head. They conducted a search. The WiFi signal is down. We don’t know what they want,” an emotional Maina Wanjigi told journalists at the family’s Muthaiga home.
