A disturbing incident unfolded at War Memorial Hospital as thieves raided the morgue, absconding with a preserved body due to an outstanding medical bill amounting to Ksh 921,000.
Patricia Musale, the Chief Executive Officer of Nakuru War Memorial, confirmed the shocking robbery on Friday, February 23, after discovering the absence of the body from the cold storage facility.
The deceased, 73-year-old Madalene Mwikali, had been housed in the hospital's morgue since September 28, 2023. Despite attempts by her family to claim the body, their efforts were thwarted by law enforcement officials who had sealed off the hospital premises.
In a distressing turn of events, the family was confronted with a hefty bill encompassing the entire duration of the body's storage, compounded by the hospital's closure amidst ownership disputes with the county government.
Mwikali's bereaved family had endured prolonged anguish, unable to lay their loved one to rest. Her demise occurred within the hospital premises after a debilitating illness that necessitated her admission.
Despite legal efforts to reclaim the body, including court interventions, the family faced insurmountable obstacles as the hospital persistently cited the unpaid bill as grounds for refusal.
Even with a court ruling sanctioning the body's release, the presence of county officials obstructed the family's access to the morgue, rendering the court's decision ineffectual.
Presently, War Memorial Hospital remains shut, defying a Nakuru Environment and Land Court directive mandating the county government to resume operations pending a final ruling.
In light of the hospital's defiance of legal orders, the matter has been escalated to a Nairobi court for further adjudication within the same jurisdiction.