Kamene Goro Addresses Pregnancy Rumors: Sets the Record Straight

02, Apr 2024 / 1 min read/ By Livenow Africa

Former radio personality Kamene Goro has spoken out against recent social media speculation surrounding her alleged pregnancy. The 32-year-old influencer took to Instagram on Sunday to clear the air, explaining that rumors about her expecting a child stemmed from observations of her walking style.

During her recent birthday celebrations, videos showing her difficulties in walking led to widespread assumptions of her pregnancy. However, Kamene dismissed these claims, stating, "Folks, I initially stated I wouldn't dignify these with a response, but I feel compelled to do so now because these comments lack any foundation and are nonsensical."

Clarifying the reason behind her walking challenges, Kamene revealed that they were a result of knee surgery she underwent earlier in the year. She described the rigorous process of recovery, emphasizing her prolonged use of crutches.

"In January, I underwent knee surgery that necessitated a 5-day hospital stay. I've been immobile for quite some time; it was around my birthday when I began attempting to walk without my crutches," she explained.

Kamene emphasized the difficulty of restoring mobility and muscle strength in her knee, leading to her seemingly unusual walking style. She described the recovery process as "very challenging."

In response to the pregnancy rumors, Kamene urged online users to conduct thorough research and seek clarification before making assumptions.
