Ndenderu MCA Assaulted for Backing Gachagua's 'One Man, One Shilling' Policy

11, Jun 2024 / 2 min read/ By Livenow Africa

Ndenderu Member of County Assembly David Mwaura sustained injuries on Monday after being assaulted by a group of youths at a public event.

The incident occurred during the launch of the Kiambaa Technical Institute in Kiambu County, where local leaders had gathered.

Mwaura was targeted for his support of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua's 'One Man, One Vote, One Shilling' revenue-sharing formula. The event attendees, many of whom opposed the formula, included 11 members of Parliament from the county, such as Kikuyu's Kimani Ichung'wah.

A video obtained by the media showed several attendees attacking Mwaura, who was later taken to the hospital for treatment.

"I was hit in the ribs and the head. I was pushed to the ground, beaten on the legs, and stomped on while lying on the ground," Mwaura told the press.

For weeks, Gachagua has faced criticism from various leaders for advocating the 'One Man, One Vote, One Shilling' formula, arguing it is the fairest way to distribute state resources. He contends that the Mt. Kenya region, being populous and contributing more votes than many other areas, deserves a larger allocation.

However, some leaders from the Mt. Kenya region and beyond oppose the formula, arguing that it is divisive and threatens national unity.

Ichung'wah urged the Deputy President to focus on uniting the country as per his mandate. "If we truly believe that we hold offices that bestow on you the role of being a symbol of national unity, seek to unite the people of Kenya, not the people of Mt. Kenya," he stated.

He further criticized the notion of Mt. Kenya leaders blindly following one person. "If you want to unite Mt. Kenya, you should do so within the Kenya Kwanza government," Ichung'wah added.

Other leaders opposing the formula include Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru and Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki.
