In a horrifying turn of events, a first-year student at Pwani University met a tragic end when she fell victim to a fatal stabbing during a robbery on Friday, October 20. The young woman, Faith Adongo, who had just commenced her studies at the institution located in Kilifi County, valiantly fought for her life.
The assailants, armed robbers, targeted Faith Adongo as she made her way home, a mere four days after she had been admitted to the university.
The incident unfolded along Misifuni Road, where the criminals forcibly took possession of her phone and left her grievously wounded, causing her to bleed profusely from her neck.
Swiftly, emergency service providers and compassionate passersby rushed to her aid, ensuring she received initial first aid at Mephi Hospital. However, given the severity of her condition, doctors decided to transfer her to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Kilifi County Hospital for closer monitoring and specialized care.
In an admirable display of unity and compassion, Pwani University students and staff, led by their Student Association leader, Nashon Okoth, came together to donate blood in a collective effort to save Faith Adongo's life. An urgent appeal was posted on Facebook, urging individuals with blood type A+ to rush to the Kilifi District emergency wing and contribute to the cause.
Tragically, despite the valiant efforts, the young student succumbed to her injuries around 10 p.m. on that fateful Friday, October 20. Dr. Allois Luvai, a lecturer at Pwani University, confirmed the devastating news, revealing that Faith Adongo's condition had deteriorated beyond recovery. The university announced that it would release an official statement regarding the incident, although details surrounding her untimely death remained limited.
In the wake of this heart-wrenching incident, students at Pwani University voiced their growing concerns about security, particularly along the road where Faith Adongo was brutally attacked. They decried the prevailing insecurity and called for urgent measures to address the safety of students, emphasizing that the issue of security in Kenyan universities must be confronted to prevent further loss of life.
"Insecurity in Kenyan universities should be addressed... comrades are not losing their belongings but also life," one comment on social media expressed, reflecting the deep-seated fears and frustrations of the university community.