In a recent announcement via his WhatsApp channel, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg introduced upcoming changes to the popular social media chat app, WhatsApp. Among the key updates is the ability for users to maintain two WhatsApp accounts on a single phone and switch between them seamlessly.
Zuckerberg demonstrated these changes in a live test, showcasing how he effortlessly switched between his work and personal WhatsApp accounts, each registered with different phone numbers.
The exact release date for these changes remains undisclosed, and it is unclear whether the updates will be rolled out globally all at once or in stages.
"Switch between two accounts on WhatsApp. Soon you will be able to have two WhatsApp accounts on one phone within the app," announced the billionaire CEO.
These impending modifications hold significant promise for users in Kenya and beyond who aim to segregate their work-related, business, and personal interactions within WhatsApp. Presently, WhatsApp users are limited to a single account on a single device. However, they have the flexibility to register their accounts on other devices.
It's important to note that if you have a dual SIM phone, you will still need to select one number for WhatsApp verification. WhatsApp's guidelines emphasize that you cannot have a verified WhatsApp account associated with two different phone numbers. Frequent switching of your WhatsApp account between various devices may lead to restrictions on re-verifying your account. The guidelines caution against such repeated switching.