KRA Begins Clean Up of Taxpayers Register, Asks Kenyans to Update PIN Details

28, Mar 2023 / 2 min read/ By Livenow Africa

The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) on Tuesday, March 27, called on Kenyans to update details on their personal identification number (PIN) on the portal.

In a public notice, KRA Commissioner for Domestic Taxes explained that the developments are in the wake of a clean-up of the taxpayer register.

"The exercise is aimed at ensuring the integrity of the taxpayer's register with a view to enhancing service delivery to all taxpayers," the notice read in part.

KRA asked Kenyans to correct details on their name, phone number, email address, residency status, and physical location of businesses, directorships, and partnerships held.

The review of the information would be conducted on the institution's self-service portal using the following procedure:

Log onto itax(dot)kra(dot)go(dot)ke on your browser

Fill in your KRA PIN or ID number and password and log in.

Under the registration menu, select the option "Amend PIN details". 

Set the "Mode of Amendment" to online and click the next button

Check the box marked "PIN" and select the sections you want to update.

Update the details as appropriate, attach supporting documentation where necessary and submit.

Kenyans who experience difficulty in making the changes have been asked to reach out to the contact centre on the phone or send an email to the call centre (at)kra.(dot)go(dot)ke.

Alternatively, they could visit the nearest tax service office or a KRA desk at any Huduma Centre nationwide.

The move came within months after the taxman upgraded f the Tax Invoice Management System (eTIMS) to enable business owners to file returns more efficiently using several devices. 
