MP Mohammed Ali escapes 5th gun attack in Nyali office

15, Mar 2023 / 2 min read/ By Livenow Africa

Nyali MP, Mohammed Ali, has been targeted in what appears to be an assassination attempt, as his office is attacked for the fifth time.

Expressing his concern about his safety, Ali took to Twitter to confirm the attack.

"This is the fifth time my office has been attacked. A clear indication that the person/people behind this attempt on my life are relentless to take me down," he wrote.

Human rights organization, Haki Afrika, has called for a swift investigation into the attack and urged authorities to bring the perpetrators to justice.

"We stand in solidarity with Hon Ali and call on the authorities to immediately move to ascertain those behind the senseless attack and ensure they are arrested and charged in court," said the organization's director, Hussein Khalid.

Khalid has also raised concerns about the safety of Kenyan citizens if government officials can be easy targets for criminals.

"We are concerned that if a legislator can be shot at in this manner, how safe are Kenyan citizens?" he questioned.

Police visited the scene on Tuesday afternoon and declared investigations are ongoing. Mombasa head of DCI Ali Bule said experts are investigating the incident.

Ali's office was first attacked in June 2022, an attack he said was aimed at scaring him off the 2022 General Elections.

Ali further questioned why the attacks happen when his office is right opposite the office of the deputy county commissioner.

"The police came to my offices and looked at the CCTV footage. What we know is that shots were fired in the air at night but we wonder why such an incident would happen directly opposite the office of the Deputy County Commissioner?" Ali posed.

During this attack, the CCTV footage showed the culprits accessed the compound by jumping over the wall before breaking into the office by breaking the door grills.

A man was seen searching for something, which according to the MP, was some documents detailing the transfer of port service to Naivasha.

Ali, a former journalist, is well-known for his investigative journalism that exposed several high-profile corruption cases in Kenya.
