Lay down your arms for peace, Uhuru tells DRC rebels

14, Nov 2022 / 2 min read/ By Livenow Africa

Former President Uhuru Kenyatta has called on all Congolese to patriotism and urged armed groups to lay down their arms for a lasting peace.

In an exclusive interview with Radio Okapi in Kinshasa on Sunday evening, Uhuru who is the EAC facilitator of peace talks in DRC, asked the Congolese to unite.

“My Congolese brothers and sisters, I would like to tell you this: there are those who come from elsewhere to divide you. But they don't divide you because they love you. They divide you for their interests that they seek in your country. It is the responsibility of all Congolese” Uhuru said.

For him, the Congolese must more than ever develop patriotism, live and work together.

“Know that weapons only cause victims. They can never bring you development and wealth,” the former President said in the interview recorded in French.

Uhuru said he was in DRC to discuss with the government and with the Congolese to see how peace can prevail in the country and bring solidarity between the different communities and ethnic groups.

“We are here because we are also appalled by what is happening in the country. The Congolese are killed innocently. War is imposed on them,” explained Uhuru.

Uhuru met the President of the Republic, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi and the Head of MONUSCO, Bintou Keita, to reflect together on how to bring peace to eastern DRC.

Other meetings are planned, in particular the presidents of two chambers of the Congolese Parliament, as well as members of civil society.

Before Uhuru arrived in DRC, Kinshasa hosted two heads of state over the weekend.

They are Jöao Lourenço from Angola, mediator appointed by the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the African Union (AU) for the de-escalation between the DRC and Rwanda.

Umaro Sissoko Umbalo from Guinea Bissau also visited DRC.
