Murkomen Faces Tough Questions After Releasing SGR Contract

07, Nov 2022 / 2 min read/ By Livenow Africa

Transport Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen on Monday, November 7, came under fire, hours after releasing the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) contract.

Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance spokesperson Makau Mutua, questioned Murkomen's intentions and if he was doing it for public good.

According to the legal scholar, Murkomen, a former senator and ally of President William Ruto, left out gaps in his expose and that there was something fishy about the announcement.

“But what next?  Renegotiate them?  Repossess/reject the “collaterals”? Or is it just hot air to distract Kenyans?"  He posed.

Mutua further put the CS to task to explain how the contract was signed under their watch, when he and Ruto held powerful positions.

"Who was the DP, Treasury CS, and Senate Majority Leader when SGR contracts were signed?  I smell a rat. Say more, or stop PR,” remarked Prof Mutua.

The Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) train at a railway station
The Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) train at a railway station

Murkomen's release of the elusive documents rattled many questions, with some questioning the timing and whether it was a priority for the country.

Speaking on TV47, lawyer Fanya Mambo criticized the move describing it as a way of diverting Kenyans from serious issues like hunger.

“The government's release of the SGR contract is to divert our attention from the fact that Kenyans are hungry. They have realized that the reason they are unable to govern is that they were not ready to,” stated Mambo.

Muganda Clay, a journalist,wondered how Murkomen was acting so clean yet he was still in the government when the contract was being signed.

“The man who was Senate Majority Leader when the SGR contract was signed has found it and given it to the man who was Budget Committee chair and PIC vice chair when it was signed and he'll give it to the man who was deputy president when it was signed --and that's historic,” he stated.

Secretary General, The NOPEU Party Rodgers Kipembe Mpuru urged Kenyans not to be distracted by the contract as it was the purpose of the release.

"Be careful, don't be distracted. There are two major issues, Hunger and the pilots' strike. The SGR tender is a scapegoat to continue blaming the previous regime,” he stated.

Dennis Itumbi, a digital strategist and an ally of Ruto commended Murkomen for keeping his promise to Kenyans.

“Well done Murkomen, that is how to do it, you promise and then you do it. Let us read the SGR contract. President Ruto thank you for allowing your CSs to act and work independently,” he stated.

According to the documents provided by Murkomen, China agreed to lend Kenya Ksh191 billion($1.6 billion), ($1.6 billion) for a term of 10 years at a rate of 2% interest and a commitment fee of 0.25 percent.

President Uhuru Kenyatta flags off SGR Phase 2A at the Nairobi Terminus on Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Former President Uhuru Kenyatta flags off SGR Phase 2A at the Nairobi Terminus on Wednesday, October 16, 2019
