President Museveni issues personal apology over son's distasteful remarks

05, Oct 2022 / 2 min read/ By Live Now

President Yoweri Museveni has issued an apology on behalf of Uganda over the recent controversial remarks made by his son General Muhoozi Kainerugaba.

n a statement shared on Wednesday, October 5, President Museveni condemned the series of posts published by Muhoozi.

"I ask our Kenyan brothers and sisters to forgive us for tweets sent by General Muhoozi, former Commander of Land Forces here, regarding the election matters in that great country. It is not correct for public officers, be they civilian or military, to comment or interfere in any way, in the internal affairs of brother countries,” the statement read in part.

President Museveni also explained why he promoted his son despite the remarks that cause a diplomatic storm between the two countries.

Why, then, promote him to full General after these comments? This is because this mistake is one aspect where he has acted negatively as a public officer. There are, however, many other positive contributions the General has made and can still make.

This is a time-tested formula – discourage the negative and encourage the positive. Very sorry, ndugu zetu Wakenya. Also sorry to the Ugandans who could have been annoyed by one of their officials meddling in the affairs of brother Kenya,” the Ugandan Head of State wrote.
