Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party Secretary-General, Edwin Sifuna has said the party has the best plans and policies for the country and will make government operations so smooth that there will be no need for opposition.
While speaking to the press, Sifuna stressed that once ODM takes control of the government, graft among other vices, will be a thing of the past.
The ODM party, which has been the official opposition from 2005 when it was formed to date, is accused of not playing their role of offering the government checks and balances after the March 2018 handshake between ODM party leader Raila Odinga and President Uhuru Kenyatta.
“I foresee under the leadership of ODM, there will be no need for the opposition because we will be implementing good policies. Something good does not require correction,” Sifuna noted.
Sifuna also told off those who claim that the party is currently ineffective because it’s part of the current government and thus unable to point out mistakes.
“As ODM, we are asking to be given the chance to be the creators of policies, rather than waiting for us to correct the government. Give us the chance to be the creators of the ideas and policies,” he added.
He also noted that he has lately been receiving complaints from Kenyans who want Raila to solve their problems, yet when it’s voting time they ignore him.
“Every time people say Raila has the solutions in this or that. When a problem arises, people always come to my office, requesting Raila’s help yet when it comes to elections they come up with excuses for not voting for him. They bring up age and tribe as a reason not to vote for Raila,” Sifuna stated, adding that it’s unfair.
He urged Kenyans to register and come out in large numbers and support ODM in forming the next government.
The Secretary-General also addressed the issue of leaders who have court cases who want to vie on ODM tickets, saying that they are innocent until proven guilty.
“The party cannot lock someone out unless the court has barred them. So, if you see someone has bad morals go to the ballot and make sure that even though one was given a party ticket, they cannot get the position,” he highlighted.
Sifuna asked those seeking party tickets to avoid nagging party officials and instead talk to constituents of areas where they want to be elected for those are the ones who make the determination.
“I have stopped meeting with aspirants in my office and taking photos as aspirants are using the photos to intimidate their rivals,” he stated, warning against those who misuse the photos and lie about fake endorsements.