Uhuru Biggest Threat to Constitution – Alice Wahome

22, Aug 2022 / 2 min read/ By Live Now

Kandara MP Alice Wahome has renewed her attacks on President Uhuru Kenyatta claiming that he is the biggest threat to the constitution.

In a four-page statement she released on Saturday, January 2, the lawmaker claimed that the Head of State had done everything possible to subvert, undermine and out rightly disregard the progressive Constitution of Kenya 2010.

She further added that Uhuru and former Prime Minister Raila Odinga are forcing the Building Bridges Initiative on Kenyans after disregarding public participation.

“Today, I want to reiterate what I said in January 2020 which has been vindicated: President Uhuru Kenyatta remains the single biggest threat to the Constitution, democracy, devolution and economy in Kenya. He has chosen the destructive path of either his way or the highway.

A photo of Kandara MP Alice Wahome in her office.

Kandara MP Alice Wahome in her office.TWITTER

“The referendum is being forced upon Kenyans on a convoluted, confused and patch up document with no public participation. It is not only politically manufactured consent but also misguided, reckless and irresponsible,” stated Wahome.

She further accused the head of state of attempting to retain power even after he exits the top job in the upcoming 2022 general elections.

The outspoken lawmaker further claimed that the Head of State was militarising the country.

Wahome has maintained that several Kenyans, including those under the Hustler Movement banner, have vehemently rejected proposals contained in the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI).

She noted that the movement is based on economic democracy, defending the Constitution and rule of law, and the right of majority Kenyans to access equal opportunities and dispersal of powers to local people.

“Hustlers have responded to the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI). They do not want to hear anything about BBI. BBI is mocking and laughing at hustlers’ sufferings.

“Hustlers have clearly stated that the Constitution of Kenya 2010 captures their imagination and aspirations of all diverse shades of hustlers who are suffering from historical economic deprivation and dehumanisation,” she added.

On January 2, 2020, the lawmaker, in a daring video, claimed that Uhuru was solely responsible for the unenviable state of the Kenyan economy.

She claimed that the Head of State had failed in steering the country’s economy in the desirable direction. 

The BBI referendum is expected to take place in April 2021.

President Uhuru Kenyatta (Left) and Raila Odinga at KICC in Nairobi for the National launch of BBI signatures collection exercise. November 25, 2020.

President Uhuru Kenyatta (Left) and Raila Odinga at KICC in Nairobi for the National launch of BBI signatures collection exercise. November 25, 2020.PSCU
