Kenyans on social media platforms woke up on Friday, January 13, to a buzz, mainly on Twitter and Facebook, of users grudgingly discussing the top trending top, 'Friday the 13th'.
At around 8 am, the top trending topic had attracted some 43,000 impressions on Twitter and thousands of comments.
Majority of Kenyans on social media seemed unaware of the meaning behind the Friday-the-13th tag and were unsure why the phrase was trending at number one in the country.
"I don't know why Friday the 13th is trending in Kenya. What is it anyway?" a Twitter user wondered.
Friday the 13th Meaning
'Friday-the-13th' is originally a Western superstitious belief that takes place on the 13th day of the month in the Gregorian calendar.
It falls on a Friday of the first month of the Gregorian calendar, and happens at least once every year but can occur up to three times in the same year.
'Friday-the-13th' is long considered a harbinger of bad luck as depicted by movie producers that seek to explain certain mysteries.
However, the negative superstitious beliefs have swirled around the number 13 for centuries, but truly have nothing to do with the reality of life.
It is reported that some hotels do not have room 13, just to avoid dangers that come with such beliefs.
"While Western cultures have historically associated the number 12 with completeness, including 12 days of Christmas 12 months and zodiac signs, 12 labours of Hercules and 12 tribes of Israel, its successor 13 has a long history as a sign of bad luck.
" According to the biblical tradition, 13 guests attended the Last Supper, held on Maundy Thursday, including Jesus and his 12 apostles (one of whom, Judas, betrayed him). The next day, of course, was Good Friday, the day of Jesus’ crucifixion," explained the American History Channel.
Fear of the number 13 has even earned a psychological term known as triskaidekaphobia.
Another phobia for number 13 is known as Paraskavedekatriaphobia, and it is meant to explain the same superstitious beliefs.