Andrew Kibe fires back at Akothee's lecture, drags Rue Baby into the mess

27, Apr 2023 / 2 min read/ By Livenow Africa

YouTuber Andrew Kibe has responded to Akothee's lecture in which she criticized him for comparing her bedroom skills to those of CAS Millicent Omanga in one of his YouTube videos.

Kibe, who resides in the US, dedicated 10 minutes of his YouTube video to addressing the issue and trash-talking Akothee.

However, Kibe began by mocking Akothee's English, stating that while she had lectured him, she didn't know how to articulate her points properly in English.

He then advised his followers to bear with him as he read Akothee's message, which he said contained grammatical and semantic errors.

"Already there is a grammatical error there she could have used a better word instead of push, grammar is already collapsing.

"And then she doesn't put the full stop where it is supposed to be, she puts a space and then a full stop. I can't stand that. You either know how to talk or you don't. Don't try to be in between," Kibe shamed Akothee as he read through her lecture.

Kibe also criticized Akothee for involving his fans in the issue, stating that she had called them toxic people.

In his video, Kibe requested that Akothee keep the matter between themselves and their families, and not involve other people.

Kibe drags Rue Baby into the mess
Kibe followed up with another video in which he mentioned Akothee's daughter and suggested that she should have given the phone to Rue Baby to type the message on her behalf.

"Give Rue Baby your phone. Tell her what you want to say then she will send me the message. I need to be talking to Rue because I and you (Akothee) don't have the same English," Kibe said.

Kibe went on to say that he would be impressed by Rue, as he could understand her message and communicate effectively.
