Politicians Criticize SRC for Salary Hike Proposal Amid Economic Crisis

03, Jul 2024 / 4 min read/ By Livenow Africa

On Monday, the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) enforced a salary increase for various state officers, ranging from the President to members of the County Assembly.

According to the new rates that took effect on July 1, speakers of both houses in Parliament will see their salaries increase from Ksh1,185,327 to Ksh1,208,362. Their deputies will receive a raise from Ksh948,261 to Ksh966,690, while Majority Leaders will see a Ksh15,251 increase. New salaries for MPs and Senators will be Ksh739,600, up from Ksh725,502.

The new law has enraged Kenyans, who criticize the commission for implementing a pay rise for state officers during a period of widespread protests over the high cost of living and punitive tax burdens on taxpayers.

Several lawmakers and one governor have also joined the movement, criticizing SRC for its decision to increase their salaries.

Babu Owino

Embakasi East MP Babu Owino stated on Tuesday night that no member of Parliament deserves an additional coin. "MPs and other state officers should not be added even a coin," he told his 1.4 million followers across two major social media platforms. "It’s sad to increase salary while Kenyans have no jobs, no capital to start businesses, no money to pay school fees, and no money for medication. Say no to salary increments."

Marianne Kitany

Aldai MP Marianne Kitany, a member of the ruling United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party, supported Owino's stance, stating that the increase was unwarranted given the current state of affairs. "Given the current state of affairs in our country and with the ongoing demonstrations and economic instability, this is not the right time to prioritize any salary hikes for public officials. If anything, we should be discussing salary reductions, not hikes," she said. "It is crucial that we focus on reducing unnecessary expenditures and concentrating on strategies to restore peace and strengthen our economy."

Edwin Sifuna

Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna, an ODM member, took a personal tone, denying that he asked for a salary hike and calling for the hike to be removed. "The SRC is proposing to add Ksh14,000 to my salary. I didn’t ask for it. I don’t need it," he lamented. "I will not fight for Ksh14,000 extra when the whole country is saying we need to lessen the taxpayer burden. I don’t want this Ksh14,000."

Aaron Cheruiyot

Speaking on the floor of the Senate on Wednesday, Majority Leader Aaron Cheruiyot advocated for lawmakers to be willing to take a pay cut. "If it means taking a pay cut, we as members of Parliament have been told that we will never do it. We don’t have an option, we must do it," he stated. "We must make a resolution and say that we reject even that one in light of the financial situation."

Peter Kaluma

Homa Bay Town MP Peter Kaluma termed the salary increment a scandalous affair. "It is not right, just as it is scandalous for SRC to imagine increasing the pay of state officers. This Commission needs to be serious!" he stated.

Caleb Amisi

Saboti MP Caleb Amisi confirmed that he had already written a letter to the speaker rejecting the increase.

Catherine Omanyo

Busia Woman Representative Catherine Omanyo also declined the raise, stating, "We shouldn't discuss pay raises when the economy is performing poorly. Let's avoid burdening Kenyans with loans and excessive taxes for salary increments. As a member of Parliament, I haven't asked for more pay. SRC, I decline the pay rise."


Lang'ata Constituency MP Phelix Odiwuor, popularly known as Jalang'o, termed the increment a setup in a time of crisis. "Some things almost look like a setup. We are in a crisis, and the SRC is proposing an increment of Ksh14,000. Do they want us to be beaten up so that they can be happy? I don't want that," he stated.

James Orengo

Siaya Governor James Orengo, the only governor voicing his displeasure, noted, "The salary increases for state officers, including governors, are absolutely unwarranted at this time."

All governors are set to earn Ksh990,000 from this month, an increase of Ksh33,000 from their previous salary of Ksh957,000. Deputy governors will also get an increase from Ksh652,742 to Ksh684,233.

Former Senator Milicent Omanga termed the increment a betrayal to Kenyans. "It's a betrayal to Kenyans for salaries and other benefits of state officers to be increased at this point in time when there's agitation for the same to be reduced. We can't always take Kenyans for fools. Reduce, not increase. That's what Kenyans are demanding!"

