CS Nakhumicha Reveals New SHIF Tool to Track Kenyans' Income

10, Jun 2024 / 2 min read/ By Livenow Africa

Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha announced the introduction of a new tool designed to track the income and wealth of self-employed Kenyans for the Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF).

In an interview on Citizen TV on Sunday, Nakhumicha explained that the self-assessment tool would calculate wealth and facilitate contributions from unemployed and self-employed individuals to SHIF. The tool will categorize contributors and determine their expected contributions based on their declared income.

"We have people who are in self-employment who know how much they make," Nakhumicha stated. "We have a means-testing tool, a scientific self-assessment tool, where individuals declare their income. Based on their annual earnings, the tool calculates the 2.75 percent contribution required."

Nakhumicha elaborated that the tool would distinguish between those who are self-employed, those who are unemployed but have some income, and those with no income at all.

"If you are not formally employed but have some income, you declare it, and the tool calculates your 2.75 percent contribution," she added. "For those with zero income, they can declare their status, and the tool will categorize them for government support."

The CS warned against attempts to deceive the government by underreporting income, noting that the state would consider economic indicators such as lifestyle and personal belongings to verify declarations.

"You cannot hide your economic characteristics. For example, your watch can indicate your income level. I urge Kenyans to be honest about their income to ensure they receive appropriate health benefits," Nakhumicha explained. "Declare your income accurately, and we promise a consistent benefit package for everyone."

Nakhumicha highlighted that the government would observe various economic indicators, including housing and personal possessions, to verify the financial status of individuals.

"If you live in a modest home, that will be noted. We will assess the economic characteristics to determine contributions," she added.

Additionally, Nakhumicha revealed that President William Ruto would soon announce the registration date for SHIF. During the initial rollout, NHIF cards will be used alongside SHIF cards.

