Ruto Reveals Reasons for Choosing Gachagua as Deputy

10, Jun 2024 / 2 min read/ By Livenow Africa

President William Ruto revisited the decision-making process that led to selecting Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua as his running mate for the 2022 General Elections. Speaking at the Akorino Annual Prayer Conference held at Nakuru Boys High School on Sunday, June 9, President Ruto shared insights into his choice.

President Ruto explained that a caucus of MPs he had consulted initially recommended younger candidates for the deputy position. "Ahead of the 2022 polls, I called these MPs and asked them to help me choose my deputy. They held numerous deliberations and directed me towards youthful candidates," he said. "But I told them no, let me settle on Gachagua. It was because I saw Gachagua as my age mate, someone I could work well with and agree on many things."

President Ruto also emphasized his commitment to mentoring young leaders, a promise he made while choosing Gachagua. "The success of any leadership lies in mentoring the youth to become better leaders. We like assisting other leaders because we shall be happier if we get better leaders than us. That is how we shall have a better country," Ruto stated. "I want to assure young leaders of our commitment to mentor them to become better leaders in the future. However, we should respect one another."

President Ruto assured Kenyans that he would not tolerate tribal politics. "I want to assure Kenyans that we will never have time for tribal politics in this country," he declared.

He pointed out that nations in conflict, such as Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Haiti, are seeking Kenya's support to maintain peace. "These countries are relying on Kenya for the attainment of peace. This means our country is truly a blessed and God-fearing nation," he said.

Ruto urged leaders to embrace unity and avoid divisive politics. "I want to plead with my fellow leaders not to divide Kenyans. We must unite our people for the sake of peace and development," he urged.

The President thanked the people of Nakuru for rejecting tribal politics during the last General Election. "Some leaders, who were proponents of tribal politics, came here during the last General Election campaigns and cautioned you against voting for Kenya Kwanza. But you refused to buy their tribal politics and voted for a party that propagates the politics of national unity," he said.

