CS Murkomen Defends JKIA Amid Larry Madowo's Critique, Vows New Terminal by 2027

16, Apr 2024 / 2 min read/ By Livenow Africa

Kipchumba Murkomen, the Cabinet Secretary for Roads and Transport, has outlined plans for a significant transformation of the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), aiming to address its longstanding issues and bring it up to international standards.

During an appearance on Citizen TV's Monday evening report, CS Murkomen emphasized the urgent need for renovations at the airport and assured that steps are already being taken to make substantial improvements.

He pledged that by the upcoming General Election in 2027, Kenyans can expect to see a modern, world-class terminal in place, positioning JKIA as a competitive aviation hub with top-notch facilities.

Responding to a video shared by CNN journalist Larry Madowo, highlighting the airport's deficiencies such as lack of shade and flooding walkways, Murkomen dismissed Madowo's concerns, stating that the situation has persisted since the airport's construction. He implied that Madowo's perspective may be skewed due to exposure to superior airport infrastructure abroad.

"I saw one of your friends taking videos saying that people are rained on when they exit, and I was laughing because Larry was with us in the country for the last 50 years, but suddenly because he lives in 'majuu' (abroad), his eyes are opened and has realized there is no shade," Murkomen remarked.

He defended the airport's longstanding issues, suggesting that criticism should have been voiced since its inception in 1978, indicating that the lack of a canopy to shield passengers from rain is not a recent revelation.

JKIA has faced criticism from the public over its deteriorating condition, with instances of leakages and power outages reported in recent years, underscoring the urgent need for renovations.

Murkomen expressed confidence in the renovation plans, likening the transformation to a biblical promise, and assured that critics would acknowledge the positive changes within three years once the action plan is implemented.
