CS Murkomen Sues Nandi Senator Cherargei: Fallout Sparks Legal Battle

18, Mar 2024 / 1 min read/ By Livenow Africa

Transport Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen initiates legal action against Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei following a bitter fallout, as tensions escalate within the political sphere.

In a dramatic turn of events, Cherargei, representing the United Democratic Alliance (UDA), reveals being served court documents from Milimani Commercial Courts on Monday, March 18, disclosing the impending lawsuit.

In response, the defiant Nandi Senator vows to uphold his oversight duties, asserting, "We shall defend the great people of Nandi County in the quest for better roads through our blood and sweat."

The rift between the two figures dates back to December 2023 when Cherargei alleged that CS Murkomen received a Ksh15 billion incentive from a Chinese investor, resulting in his expulsion from the Senate chambers during Murkomen's interrogation.

Warning of impending legal action, Cherargei faced the ultimatum to apologize to CS Murkomen within seven days, prompting the current lawsuit.

Court documents, shared by Cherargei on Monday, reveal the lawsuit filed on March 12, 2024, with a stern directive for Cherargei to respond within 15 days to avoid judgment in absentia.

Amidst the mounting tension, Murkomen refrains from commenting on the suit, leaving the legal battle to unfold in due course.

Earlier grievances voiced by Cherargei include allegations of belittlement by Murkomen in social forums, underscoring the intensifying feud between the two prominent political figures.

