Tragic Murder Unfolds at Nairobi Airbnb: Investigation Underway

14, Jan 2024 / 2 min read/ By Livenow Africa

In a chilling incident reported on January 14, 2023, at 11:37 hrs, Pricilla Wangui Maina, a resident of Roysambu TRM Drive, discovered a gruesome murder at her Airbnb property located within Roysambu along TRM Drive. The Green House Apartment, House B1, Map Ref BJ639649, about 2 km west of the station, became the scene of a heinous crime that has sent shockwaves through the community.

According to Maina, on January 13, 2023, at approximately 15:55 hrs, an unidentified middle-aged man checked into the property using the phone number 0101053854. The following day, at about 09:20 hrs, her caretaker, Mark Auma, made a horrifying discovery when he found blood traces in the house. Alarmed, Auma alerted Maina, and together, they confirmed the guest had vacated the premises. However, following the blood trail, they stumbled upon a gruesome sight at a dustbin collection point – the dismembered remains of a female, believed to be around 25 years old, carefully concealed in polythene bags.

In response to the shocking revelation, Maina promptly contacted the police to report the incident.

Investigation Process:

A swift response from the police ensued, with officers led by SCCIO Kasarani, D/SCPC Kasarani, OCS Kasarani, and the duty officer rushing to the scene to verify the report. The area was secured, and a meticulous collection of evidence began. This included the polythene bags containing the victim's remains, blood traces, and CCTV footage obtained from both the Airbnb and the nearby Jully Mini Supermarket where the suspect was observed booking the property.

The suspect, captured on CCTV, was described as wearing a black jeans trouser, a black jumper, a navy blue shirt, spectacles, and a white cap. Nairobi/Kasarani Area CSI processed and documented the crime scene, while the victim's remains were taken to the Nairobi City Morgue for autopsy and identification.

Investigation Findings:

As of now, the investigation is ongoing, and the suspect remains unidentified and at large. The motive behind the gruesome murder is yet to be determined. The investigative team, in collaboration with DCI Kasarani, is diligently working to trace the phone number used for booking and analyze the CCTV footage to establish the identity of both the suspect and the victim.

The community remains on edge as the authorities intensify efforts to bring the perpetrator to justice and uncover the unsettling circumstances surrounding this horrifying crime.
