Father of Brian Mwenda Defends Son's Legal Qualifications, Cites Kenya School of Law Graduation

17, Oct 2023 / 2 min read/ By Livenow Africa

Arnold Njagi, the father of Brian Mwenda, who has faced allegations from the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) for falsely representing himself as a lawyer, has come to his son's defense, asserting that Brian is indeed a qualified lawyer, contrary to the circulating reports.

LSK had accused Mwenda of impersonating a lawyer and swindling unsuspecting individuals, despite not having the necessary qualifications for the profession.

Addressing the media on Monday, Njagi recounted his son's educational journey from primary school to university. He explained that Brian pursued a diploma course in criminology in 2016, which served as his entry point to Strathmore University the following year.

According to Njagi, Brian successfully graduated in 2020 and subsequently enrolled in the Kenya School of Law. After completing his studies in December 2022, he was admitted to the bar, marking the start of his legal practice.

"He pursued a diploma course in criminology which enabled him to join Strathmore University in 2017 and graduated in 2020. In 2021, he joined the Kenya School of Law and completed in December 2022," Njagi stated.

Njagi shared that Brian's initial legal case involved representing a family member in court. He filed an application for an appeal, although there was no response to it. Brian has been working as a lawyer in Nairobi until recently when he informed his father about allegations questioning his legal qualifications.

Njagi expressed bewilderment over LSK's accusations against his son, emphasizing that Brian had registered with the organization.

"Our son is educated, and we closely followed his academic journey, even organizing several fundraisers to support his education until he completed," he added.

"We are taken aback by the news that Brian has been operating as an unqualified lawyer, representing clients in court."

Mwenda's father now awaits the court's verdict on his son's case and remains confident that justice will be served.

In a statement released on Saturday, LSK disclosed that they had invited the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) to initiate an inquiry into the matter.

LSK accused Mwenda of taking control of a legitimate advocate's account and practicing law while concealing his true identity.

In response to this revelation, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) requested Inspector General Japhet Koome to submit Brian Mwenda's case file after the investigations conclude, with a view to determining whether prosecution is warranted.
