Maina Kageni recalls humbling interactions with Rachel Ruto & Mama Ngina

03, Mar 2023 / 3 min read/ By Livenow Africa

Veteran radio personality Maina Kageni has brushed shoulders with many prominent individuals throughout his life, and treasured his interactions with upper echelons of government.

In his recently launched YouTube channel, he recalled many of the times he had the pleasure of engaging with some of these individuals, among them President William Ruto’s family as well as the family of former Presidents Uhuru Kenyatta and Mwai Kibaki.

In one of his interactions with Ruto, Maina recounted a humbling experience when he was served dinner in Karen, despite being a guest in the odd hours of the night.

At the time Ruto was the deputy president and had invited the radio host to a personal chat in Karen.

He is a very nice person with a very homely place. Mama Rachel is another nice lady. I have been to their house way late at night when the then-DP wanted to see me. She still got up and made a meal at about 11:30 pm. It was one of the most humbling things ever,” Kageni recalled.

He described the president as a very smart person who correctly predicted how Kenyan politics would play out, as he made plans to ascend to the top seat.

He praised the head of state’s attention to detail and personable character.

The thing about President Ruto is that he pays attention to you and I love that about him. He is good with details and has got a good memory and he says what he thinks.

He knew what he would be facing in 2022, 10 years ago. What he told me a few weeks after he was inaugurated as deputy president. 10 years later it played out the same way he had said,” Kageni recalled.


The radio personality also recounted his interactions with Kenya's maiden first lady Mama Ngina Kenyatta.

He said that the two would bump into each other at Kiambu Golf Club where they were both members.

Kageni, being among the club’s youngest patrons, was easily noticeable and made friendships with many influential people on the course.

She used to come and pay my bills. She was very good friends with Njenga Karume. I used to play golf (during the day) and play darts in the evening with Njenga Karume. Mama Ngina would normally come in the evening, have a cup of tea and talk to him (Njenga Karume) where we used to play darts, pick up my bills and pay them. It was almost unacceptable for me to pay my bills” he recounted.

Kageni said that it would be important for Kenyan media to interview the Kenyatta family matriarch due to the historical knowledge she has, having been among the upper echelons of power from pre-independence Kenya till today.

I am going to ask the former president (Uhuru Kenyatta) if it's a possibility but I think even he knows that it has to be done at some point,” Kageni said.

He also promised to share an interesting story of when he met the former head of state for the first time and how they became close friends.
