The passing of actor Charles Ouda, affectionately known as Charlie, has plunged both the Ouda family and media personality Ciru Muriuki into profound sorrow and anguish. Charlie's unexpected departure on the night of February 3, 2024, has left an irreplaceable void in the entertainment industry and the hearts of Kenyans who cherished his performances in iconic productions like Makutani Junction and Salem, as well as his television hosting roles across various networks. His absence will be deeply felt.
Amidst the grieving process, a distressing trend has emerged. A segment of society has forsaken compassion and resorted to cruelty, targeting Charlie's fiancée, Ms. Muriuki. In the absence of any concrete information surrounding Charlie's demise, some individuals unfairly directed blame towards Ciru for his passing.
Where has the empathy of Kenyans towards the grieving vanished?
Strangers, with no knowledge of Charlie or Ciru's lives, relationship, or circumstances, suddenly felt entitled to pass judgment on social media platforms. This rush to judgment is profoundly unjust.
This tragedy should never have been exploited for social media engagement or sensationalism. Where has our collective empathy gone? Where is our compassion for Ciru, who has lost her life partner just six months after receiving a marriage proposal? Where is our acknowledgment of her pain as she confronts a future without Charlie, with whom she shared dreams and aspirations? Where is our empathy for Ciru's shattered heart?
Do some Kenyans arrogantly believe that death will only visit Ciru's doorstep and not theirs? Are they immune to mortality? Are they capable of discerning the truth behind Charlie's passing without any evidence? Are these individuals so perfect that they cannot comprehend others' struggles and pain?
Empathy – the capacity to understand and share the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of another – is a fundamental aspect of human nature.
To those who have unjustly targeted Ciru, insulting and trolling her on social media: were you manufactured in labs? Bred in Petri dishes?
We have collectively failed Ciru as a society. We have failed Charlie's family by allowing such toxic discourse to flourish on social media. We have failed as a nation to regulate cyberbullying.
We have failed as a society by harboring callous hearts that prioritize self-interest over compassion.
Death is indiscriminate and inevitable. While it has knocked on Ciru's door this week, it may visit yours next. Your lack of empathy this time around will undoubtedly be remembered, and karma has a way of balancing the scales.
To the trolls and self-appointed judges: the least you could have offered was your condolences, a silent prayer for the bereaved, and then move on.
If you trolled or insulted Ciru, you had no justification.
No one required your disdainful comments and heartless sentiments.
Let us reflect on our collective failure to uphold empathy and kindness, especially in moments of grief. Let us strive to be better, to offer support instead of judgment, and to recognize that our words carry weighty consequences.