Mike Sonko's daughter Sandra reveals why she doesn't date broke men

14, Oct 2022 / 3 min read/ By Livenow Africa

Former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko's daughter, Sandra. has opened up about her famous dad's parenting style.

In an interview with Prince Newton on his youtube channel, Sandra told he is a family man who is very involved with his children's lives,

"If I call him and say dad I need you he will be here in 30 minutes, he will come rushing.

I just love how he is always there no matter what. That's what makes the relationship stronger"

Their bond is so deep that Sandra revealed they go out on drives together.

"When I'm free most of the time we go for dinner, he taught me how to drive at a young age, like when I was 9 or 10, "

Sandra told Prince that people assume she lives off of her dad's money

"My dad is the one who taught me to hustle, I make my own money. I don't have to be like oh dad send me money oh I need pocket money No"

Sandra works for her own money through modeling. Her first contract ever was working with the Range Rover brand, which paid her handsomely for the contract.

"In total, we have four range rovers. They paid me well and that's when brands started approaching me"

Does her dad's political life affect her and her family?Sandra admitted it does, explaining that there are certain moves they don't make without consulting him

"Actually yeah imagine I could be like modeling for like a brand and stuff like that and a grown woman would come to my DM and be like oh unaringa and your dad has done this and that. And that's the thing I don't like about politics "

Sandra Mbuvi told that she just doesn't date anyone. This mostly has to do with her famous father, plus her mother's advice.

The man also has to be of her social class. Her man has to be bad and bougie like her.

"A long time ago I used to date anyone, but let me say that got me embarrassed and used.Is she dating? "I'm taken, taken ya ukweli I never post my relationships, just a hand. Coz if there is no ring on my finger, you think I'm gonna post you on the gram?"

What is she looking for in a man?

" Loyal, above 6ft, and a man who knows his worth."

Sandra Mbuvi

How does she know a man is genuine?

"I feel its the way you commit, how you carry yourself, like the person I'm dating he is those posh kids, they come from a really good family, like a rich background, so like knowing your worth, like you don't have to lower your standards"

Sandra or Thicky Sandra as she is known on her social media, disclosed that he is over protective of his daughters.

Sandra is the last born in the Mbuvi family and is an influencer and model. She home schools "I'm doing IGCE. A levels."

The fashion model hangs out in malls and her first experience in town traumatized her. She went to River Road a moment that lives in her mind. She is limited to where she can frequent. 

The outgoing content creator loves partying "I like enjoyment."

Her dad has to know all the details

"I have to tell him coz he's like oh you have to be safe and stuff like that you never know what's gonna happen, the way we have enemies stuff like that"

Is her dad strict based on this? "yeah"

Does she have political ambitions? "Not at all" Sandra shook her head

"actually the person in the family that keeps up with politics I'm not into politics at all . Saumu the first born daughter is into politics She wants to run even like the next election "
