"Drama Unfolds as Cherargei Expelled from Senate for Defying Speaker's Orders"

29, Aug 2023 / 2 min read/ By Livenow Africa

Tensions reached a boiling point within the Senate chambers as Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei's defiance of the Speaker's directives led to a dramatic showdown, resulting in his removal.

The spark: The tumultuous situation ignited when Kilifi Senator Stewart Madzayo referred to Cherargei as a 'kid' during his submission. Incensed by this remark, Cherargei immediately demanded an apology, raising his voice within the chambers, even as Speaker Amason Kingi urged him to take his seat.

A Demand for Respect: Cherargei's demands centered on obtaining an apology from Madzayo and he remained steadfast in his protest until the statement was withdrawn.

A Spiraling Situation: As Speaker Kingi repeatedly requested Cherargei to comply and allow the proceedings to continue, Cherargei adamantly pressed on with his request, maintaining that he felt disrespected and could not sit down without an apology.

Expulsion Decreed: The situation escalated further when the Speaker warned Cherargei that if he didn't cease his disruptions, he would be forcibly removed. "If you do not sit down and keep quiet, I will be forced to get you out of the chambers," Speaker Kingi cautioned.

Unyielding Stand: Cherargei, unwavering in his stance, emphasized the need for respect within the House. "I am not sitting down until he apologises Mr. Speaker, this House must be respected. I will not sit down," declared Cherargei.

Forceful Exit: Ultimately, the Speaker ordered the Sergeant at Arms to employ necessary force under standing order 126 to remove Cherargei from the chambers. Cherargei was escorted out as the Speaker's directive was carried out.

Withdrawal and Apology: With Cherargei ousted, the Speaker turned to Madzayo, issuing a clear ultimatum. Madzayo was told to either withdraw his statement and offer an apology or exit the chambers.

Addressing the transgression, Kingi emphasized, "Senator Madzayo, your addresses are completely out of order. You can't call a colleague a kid; all senators here are honorable senators."

Madzayo, expressing remorse for his comment, promptly complied, stating, "I withdraw my statement and apologize."

The episode highlighted the balance between parliamentary decorum and passionate discourse that can occasionally lead to clashes within the legislative process.
