Charlene Ruto, Brenda Majune to launch 'Daughters of William Ruto' group

17, Mar 2023 / 1 min read/ By Livenow Africa

Majune, who led the Daughters of Gideon Moi outfit in KANU plans to collaborate with Charlene to form a similar outfit in UDA; Daughters of His Excellency William Ruto.

She was received in UDA by Secretary General Cleophas Malala who is pushing for the strengthening of the ruling party.

“I have come to UDA because I believe in the vision of President William Ruto. Thank you, Secretary General Cleophas Malala for the warm welcome, assure the President that we’re ready to work with him," she told journalists.

Majune is scheduled to meet Charlene Ruto in the coming week to discuss how to launch the Daughters of His Excellency William Ruto group.

During her time as chair of the Daughters of Gideon Moi group, Majune contributed to the outfit's efforts to empower over 20,000 women in more than 15 counties.

She has received many awards and fellowships, including a peace award from the International Peace Federation in July 2022.

Majune recognizes that climate change has led to conflicts in Kenya's ASAL counties, creating a crisis of climate refugees, with women bearing the brunt of these conflicts.

To support these women, she plans to launch the Daughters of His Excellency William Ruto with the help of her international partners.
