In a heartwarming recollection of a childhood incident, Kariuki shared a humorous tale during his mother's burial ceremony. With a playful reference to his scout background, he amusingly recounted blowing his whistle while evading his mother's pursuit after meddling with her handbag. This comical episode left an enduring impact, leading him to vow never to touch a woman's handbag again.
The burial ceremony, held on Tuesday, January 23, 2024, at the residence of her late husband, Mr. Mburu Wanyoike, the former Gatanga Member of Parliament who passed away in 2018, resonated with laughter as attendees cherished the light-hearted memory.
As the youngest child, Kariuki fondly remembered his mother as a woman who despised idleness and laziness, with her love for music and movies seamlessly woven into this recollection. The ceremony brought forth laughter and nostalgia, celebrating Madam Lizzie's unique preferences.
“You had witty comebacks that were uniquely yours, and I cherish the things that brought you joy like your preference for hot drinking water, your love for American singer Michael Bolton and South African singer Yvonne Chaka Chaka. And your shared laughter watching the ‘Gods must be crazy’ and Mr Bean. Your love for fish over meat, your impatience with idleness and laziness, and punctuality,” Kariuki fondly expressed.
Madam Lizzie, an accomplished educator with substantial investments in the education sector, hospitality industry, land, and real estate, passed away on Sunday, January 14, 2024, at the age of 73. In 2023, she received a cancer diagnosis, prompting initial anger and disbelief. Despite the family's hopeful fight against the relentless disease, Madam Lizzie peacefully departed.
“Cancer did not win; our God has taken our mum home,” affirmed Stella, Madam Lizzie's daughter.
Political leaders from Murang’a, Kiambu, and Nairobi counties, led by Gatanga MP Wakili Edward Muriu, commended Madam Lizzie for her unwavering passion and dedication to advancing the education sector in the country.