Emotional Alphonse Makokha Shares Heart-Wrenching Details Surrounding Wife's Death

10, Jun 2024 / 2 min read/ By Livenow Africa

Matayo Keya, widely known as Alphonse Makokha from the popular KBC TV show "Vioja Mahakamani," recently opened up about the devastating loss of his wife, Purity Wambui, who passed away on Sunday, June 2, after a prolonged battle with cancer.

In an emotional interview, Makokha shared the profound impact of her death on their children.

"It has hit and affected them deeply. They are in disbelief. The youngest, who is 11 years old, keeps asking where mum is. I have to tell him she is in Heaven, with the Lord. It's incredibly painful, sad, and hard," Makokha expressed, his voice filled with sorrow.

Makokha also recounted the harrowing moment he learned of his wife's passing while he was on his way to work, a memory that he said would haunt him forever.

"I was heading to work. I asked my daughter to take care of her mum while I went to earn our daily bread. Before I reached halfway, I got the devastating news," a distraught Makokha recalled.

He also took the opportunity to advise men against domestic violence, emphasizing the importance of treating women with respect.

"Women are very important in this world. Men, never raise your hand against your wife, not even a slap. We know they can be vocal, but that doesn't justify hitting them," he urged.

Funeral arrangements for Purity Wambui are still being finalized, with contributions ongoing to cover the substantial hospital bills she left behind. Hiram Mungai Ngigi, also known as Ondiek Nyuka Kwota, a long-time colleague and the chairman of the funeral planning committee, shared this information on his Facebook page.

"His dear wife, Purity Wambui Msagani, has passed away, and we are asking for your help to cover her hospital bills and provide her with a deserving send-off," Nyuka Kwota wrote.



